Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Our visit to Orana Park

Rooms 3 and 4 had a wonderful day at Orana Park. It was a beautiful sunny day and the children, teachers and parent helps had a great time.
There were lots of animals that the children really enjoyed although Room 4 talked about the lions, tigers and giraffes the most. We were able to watch the tigers being fed and the keepers put one lot of meat near us so that was pretty good.
We also had the opportunity to feed the giraffes, which was very exciting for all.
Here are some of the pictures taken by the children, teachers and helpers.


Room 2 said...

Great photos of the animals at Orana Park and intresting information! Logan.

Room 2 said...

rebecca said that it looked like it was soooooooo fun and I wish that I could go (next time invite me!!!!)

Unknown said...

It looks like you had alot of fun at Orana Park. Next time you'll have to invite Room 2 along!!!!