Wednesday, October 24, 2007

When I Grow Up

When I am twenty I am going to be a gardener and I’m going to be married. I am going to have a bunny and the bunny’s name is going to be Flufeey.

In the Holidays

In the holidays it was my birthday party.
I invited Jorja, Alice, Zelina,
Bonnie, (who could not come) Emily
Lucinda, Rachel, and
Frances. We played pass the parcel and musical bumps.
I have the High School Musical Two sound track.
Zelina was the last one to go.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jesse's Story Writing

This is a story that Jesse wrote at school,
Tomorrow I am going to Renee’s. Renee is coming to my house to play. We might play a band to my dad and Renee and I are going to make a hut that we can play in and wheel around. We can put it in the car so that we can take it home and put a cover over it so that it won’t get wet.

At school today we are going to start athletics after we’ve written things on the blog site. One of my favourite things about the athletics is the high jump.

This Little Pig

This little pig ran all the way home, and then he found a bone.
Written by Faigan on the 10th of October 2007.