Wednesday, October 24, 2007

When I Grow Up

When I am twenty I am going to be a gardener and I’m going to be married. I am going to have a bunny and the bunny’s name is going to be Flufeey.

In the Holidays

In the holidays it was my birthday party.
I invited Jorja, Alice, Zelina,
Bonnie, (who could not come) Emily
Lucinda, Rachel, and
Frances. We played pass the parcel and musical bumps.
I have the High School Musical Two sound track.
Zelina was the last one to go.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jesse's Story Writing

This is a story that Jesse wrote at school,
Tomorrow I am going to Renee’s. Renee is coming to my house to play. We might play a band to my dad and Renee and I are going to make a hut that we can play in and wheel around. We can put it in the car so that we can take it home and put a cover over it so that it won’t get wet.

At school today we are going to start athletics after we’ve written things on the blog site. One of my favourite things about the athletics is the high jump.

This Little Pig

This little pig ran all the way home, and then he found a bone.
Written by Faigan on the 10th of October 2007.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kahurangi Show

Room 4 enjoyed the display put on by the Kahurangi group. They especially liked it when Thomas, Joseph and Mr F. had to try and copy the warriors actions. This looked very tricky.

Our visit to Orana Park

Rooms 3 and 4 had a wonderful day at Orana Park. It was a beautiful sunny day and the children, teachers and parent helps had a great time.
There were lots of animals that the children really enjoyed although Room 4 talked about the lions, tigers and giraffes the most. We were able to watch the tigers being fed and the keepers put one lot of meat near us so that was pretty good.
We also had the opportunity to feed the giraffes, which was very exciting for all.
Here are some of the pictures taken by the children, teachers and helpers.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Monster slideshow

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By Bonnie

By Jorja

By Matthew

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Room 4 Pirates

The Class's Pirate Boat is called "Hugalot" and we are all dressed up as Pirates because it is Pirate Week. We are going to drink some L&P, our tot of rum.

by Jesse and Faigan

Faigan Dressed As Balckbeard


We are learning about pets.
Jesse has learnt that dogs and cats need water and cats also need milk.
Faigan learnt that dogs are faster runners than cats and dogs come in different sizes.
Faigan is drawing a picture of a guinea pig with coloured pencils.
Jesse is drawing a picture of dogs and puppies. They are running and jumping.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pirate Theme Week

During this last week of term 2 we are involved in a Pirate week, with the rest of the school. All week long Admiral Kindness has been taking roll call, assigning jobs and giving a 'tot of rum' to all who have completed their tasks.
A little later all crew had to report to the main deck for physical activities ( scrubbing the deck, moving to different positions on the ship, manning the lifeboats etc.).
In the afternoon all of the crews from the four ships joined together and then split up into the 4 ships for even more pirating activities.
Today is dress up day and I have a ship full of scary pirates.
Later today we will be having a pirate quiz with all crew members. Admiral Kindness will be serving a pirate lunch (I've heard that pirates food was often full of greevils so this is a bit of a worry). There is a treasure that has been buried somewhere on the school grounds and today we find out who has had the closest guess and gets to keep the treasure!
A very exciting week for the children and staff.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More of our Ocean Photos

Lots of exciting shots of our classroom.

Oceans Topic

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Still practising!

Another beautiful photo of Stewart Island.

Stewart Island

I'm including this photo for a practise at putting in photos. What a super view!